
Bryndza dishes, baking recipes. What do you eat cheese with? Recipes with cheese

Brynza (from Roman Brânză - “cheese”) is a brine cheese made from sheep’s milk. Brynza is a brine cheese that is made not only from cow’s milk, but can also be made from goat, sheep, buffalo milk, and sometimes from mixtures of these types of milk. Usually white in color, it looks like cottage cheese. The taste and smell of feta cheese are fermented milk, moderately salty. Consistency - the dough is soft, moderately dense, slightly brittle, but not crumbly. The color of the dough is from white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass. There is no pattern; a small number of eyes and irregularly shaped voids are allowed. Cheese cheese does not have a crust, the surface is clean, smooth, with traces of serpyanka, slight deformation of the bars and minor cracks are allowed. Brynza is produced from pasteurized cow, buffalo, sheep and goat milk or mixtures thereof. The production of feta cheese from unpasteurized milk is allowed, as an exception, on distant pastures in small factories with mandatory aging (ripening) of it for at least 60 days at industrial enterprises. The acidity of the cow's milk used is 18-20 °T, cow's milk mixed with sheep, goat, buffalo is 22-26 °T.

In my own way appearance high-quality feta cheese can be confused with cottage cheese; this cheese has a similar consistency and a curd-white color. Sometimes feta cheese can have a barely noticeable yellow tint, this largely depends on the milk from which the cheese is made.

Brynza is a pickled cheese that is made not only from cow's milk, but can also be made from goat, sheep, buffalo milk, and sometimes from a mixture of these types of milk. Bryndza is sold after 20 days of soaking in brine, sometimes even after 60 days. Based on the label, we will not be able to determine, in principle, how many days the cheese was soaked in brine. But if the cheese is spicier and saltier, then, accordingly, it was soaked in brine for 60 days or more.

Unlike most cheeses, the surface of feta cheese does not have a crust. If the cheese is slightly dry around the edges, it means that it has been on the counter for a long time and has managed to lose some of its beneficial substances. Real cheese does not have the characteristic “holey” pattern inherent in most cheeses. In high-quality cheese there are very few voids, and even those are of irregular shape.

Find the mass fraction of fat in dry matter on the package. This figure must be at least 40%. And the most delicious and healthy cheese is with a fat content of 50%.

Valuable tips:
If you bought cheese, but it turned out to be too salty for your taste, scald it with boiling water, or soak it in milk or fresh boiled water for several hours.

Sandwiches with cheese and lemon juice

Wheat bread - 4 slices, feta cheese - 100 g, lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon, vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons, eggplant - 1 pc., greens - 30 g, salt.

Cooking method
The eggplant is peeled, cut into small pieces, salted and fried in oil. The cheese is grated, combined with pieces of eggplant, chopped herbs and lemon juice. The resulting mass is spread on bread.

Potatoes with minced cheese and cheese
recipe for 3 pots:

300 gr. minced meat
- 3 large potatoes
- feta cheese
- onion
- cream

Fry the minced meat with onions, peel the potatoes, cut them into slices, put them in a pot, add salt, add the fried minced meat, pour a little cream in the oven and after 15-20 minutes add the chopped cheese and continue in the oven until fully cooked. After removing, sprinkle with herbs and ready.

Chicken rolls with cheese
8 pieces chicken fillet
150g cheese (preferably soft)
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp. lemon juice
Greens (I took dill and added crushed garlic)


Beat the fillet. To prevent the chicken from losing its juiciness, it is better to put it in a plastic bag.

Mash the cheese with a fork, add finely chopped dill and garlic. Spread the mixture over the chops in a thin layer. Wrap with a roll so that the rolls do not fall apart, you can pin them with toothpicks. Or you can just lay it tightly.

Mix lemon juice and mustard and grease the rolls.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. You can simmer over low heat with a lid.

Cheese pancakes
Ingredients: 100-150g. feta cheese or other cheese like (for me, in this case - Adyghe cheese with mushrooms), 1 large bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of green onions, 2 raw eggs, 3 tbsp flour, vegetable oil for frying, spices.
For the sauce: sour cream, garlic, ground paprika. Quantity as desired.

Finely chop the parsley and onion and simmer in vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes. Cool.
Crumble or grate the cheese coarse grater.
Add cooled herbs, eggs, flour. Mix everything thoroughly. You don’t need to add salt, because the cheese is salty enough on its own. You can add your favorite spices.
Fry on both sides like regular pancakes.
Serve with sauce.

Zucchini with cheese
1 small zucchini
40 g of cheese
1 tablespoons raisins
1 - 2 tablespoons pine nuts or sesame seeds
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
olive oil for frying


Toast pine nuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown.
Cut the zucchini into circles 0.5 cm wide and cut each circle in half.
Fry the zucchini and onion in olive oil until golden brown.
Add balsamic vinegar to the pan and stir.
Mix zucchini with nuts, raisins, diced feta cheese and chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
Serve warm or at room temperature.

Pies with cheese
20 g yeast
385 gr wheat flour
100 g margarine
450 ml Water
250 gr Brynza
250 g curd paste
1 piece chicken egg

How to cook:
1. Dough: Mix the yeast with half a glass of warm water, wait 10 minutes until foam appears.

2. Place flour in a bowl, add salt, yeast and melted margarine. Knead the dough, adding water until homogeneous mass. Place to rest in a warm place.

3. Sprinkle your work area with flour. Roll out the dough on it to half a centimeter thick. Cut out circles with a glass.

4. Filling: Place cheese in a bowl, curd paste, flour and egg and stir well.

5.Put st. l. filling for each circle and mold it like a dumpling. heat the oven to 180C°. Place the pies on a greased baking sheet.

6. Lightly beat the egg and spread on top of the pies. You can sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake at medium temperature for 25-30 minutes.
Serve cold or hot.

Salad with cheese "Fish"
fish fillet - 3 kg.
apple - 1 pc.
juice of 1 lemon
feta cheese - 200 gr.
onion - 1 pc.
pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
sour cream - 0.5 cups
parsley - 1 bunch
black pepper
salt - to taste


Wash the fish fillet, boil, cut into pieces and place on a dish.
Apple, onions and cut the cucumber into cubes. Combine and mix. Add lemon juice. Add salt. Pepper. Add sour cream. Mix. Place the resulting mixture on a dish with fish.
Sprinkle the salad with grated cheese and chopped parsley.

"Charlotte" of zucchini and feta cheese
* 2 small zucchini
* 100 g cheese
* 1 clove of garlic
* handful of walnuts
* 1 tbsp olive oil
* 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
* 1 tsp honey
* freshly ground black pepper
* 2 tbsp sour cream

1. Cut the zucchini with this special knife (easier)
or with a simple knife into thin long straws, fry in a frying pan without oil for a couple of minutes, adding 1-2 tablespoons of water until the liquid has completely evaporated, stirring constantly.
2. Shake vinegar, black pepper, honey and oil and mix with zucchini, leave to marinate for an hour.
3. Mix the cheese with sour cream, chopped garlic and chopped nuts.
4. Lay out small cups (I use ramekins) with some of the zucchini (without marinade), then a layer of cheese and again with zucchini, press tightly and turn over onto a plate.

Cheese cheese in parchment
Serves 4
400 g cheese; 60 g butter; 1 tsp. ground red pepper

Cut the cheese into slices 1-1.5 cm thick. Place one slice of cheese with a piece of butter on top on greased parchment, sprinkle with pepper, and wrap tightly. Place the prepared bags on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 C. Serve without removing from the parchment.

Grandma's puff pie with cheese
Required Products:

Frozen puff pastry - five hundred grams;
Cheese cheese - five hundred grams;
Chicken eggs - five to seven pieces;
Melted butter - five tablespoons;
Flour - eight tablespoons;
Milk - two hundred ml.;
Fresh greens (dill) - one bunch;

Preparation procedure:

Defrost the dough puff pastry, then roll it out into round cakes or rectangles, the size we want our pie to be.

The cheese needs to be kneaded well. Separately, melt the butter in a convenient bowl, carefully add flour to it and dilute everything with milk. Cook this mixture for five minutes over low heat. Add ground pepper to this mixture. This sauce mixture must cool. Stir it from time to time. Then, one at a time, add the eggs into the sauce (as soon as it cools down) and at the very end add the mashed cheese (it’s better to grate it).

Forming a pie. It is necessary to take a form with high sides. Roll out the dough into six flat cakes with a diameter of 24 cm (according to the size of the mold) or rectangles (according to the size of the mold). Cover the mold with paper, coat with oil and lay out one flat cake, put the filling on top, then another flat cake and so on until the end.

Bake for forty to forty-five minutes. The oven must be preheated and the temperature during baking should be two hundred degrees.

1 package of ready-made puff pastry (yeast)
300 grams of cheese
(Gouda, Bukovinian, Cheder)
70-100 g cheese (soft Feta, Fetaki, French Burenka)
Egg for lubrication

Cooking method:

Defrost the dough and let it rise (you can take it out in the evening and leave it overnight, but be sure to separate the sheets and wrap each sheet loosely with cling film) Roll out the dough not thinly, the thickness is approximately 0.5-0.8 cm. From 1 layer of dough you should get 4 squares that will go for 2 khachapuri, i.e. from 1 package of dough you will get 4 khachapuri. Cut the cheese into medium-thick pieces, break the cheese into cubes. Take 1 square of dough in the middle, place cheese at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edges, cheese cheese on top and sprinkle with pepper. Brush the edges with water using a brush, place the second square of dough on top and seal the edges with your hands. We must try to ensure that the edges are sealed without gaps. Place on a baking sheet, brush with beaten egg and place in the oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees, or until browned.

Bryndza appetizer "Spicy"
feta cheese - 500 gr.
walnut - 12 pcs.
garlic - 5 cloves
butter - 250 gr.
dill seeds - to taste

Soak the cheese for 5-7 hours in cold water. Peel the walnut from the shell. Grind the cheese, nuts, garlic, dill seeds and butter through a meat grinder. Roll the resulting mass into a sausage shape and wrap it in foil. Place in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.
Remove from refrigerator. Remove the foil. Slice the cheese and garnish with parsley and cilantro.

Green pea and cheese soup
canned peas - 1 cup
liquid from peas - 1 cup
feta cheese - 100 gr.
potatoes - 2 pcs.
cucumber - 1 pc.
sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
water - 1 l.
black pepper - to taste
chopped dill - 2 tbsp. l.
salt - to taste

Peel the potatoes and cut into thin rings. Place in a saucepan. Add water. Boil potatoes for 3-5 minutes. Add canned peas along with the liquid, cucumber, cut into strips and cheese, grated on a coarse grater. Pepper. Add salt. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

Greek salad

Cheese cheese - 50 gr.
- cucumber - 80 gr.
- red capsicum - 30 gr.
- green capsicum - 30 gr.
- onion - 20 gr.
- olive oil - 20 gr.
- vinegar - 5 gr.
- parsley
- salt, ground black pepper

Cooking method:

Cut the cucumber, remove seeds and cut into cubes. Remove seeds from red and green peppers and cut into cubes. Finely chop the garlic, onion and herbs. Mix all vegetables, pour vinegar and olive oil, salt and black ground pepper add to taste. Cut the cheese into cubes and add to the vegetables, stir.

Potatoes stuffed with cheese and eggs

Potatoes, 200 grams of cheese, 3 eggs, 5 pcs. tomato, butter, 2-3 onions, parsley
For the sauce: a glass of milk, a couple of table. spoons of flour, juice of half a lemon, lemon zest.

Take the potatoes and remove the core of half the potatoes.

Place in a pan of salted water and let it simmer for literally 8-10 minutes.

Let's prepare the minced meat.
Finely chop the onion and saute it until soft.
Then cut the tomatoes into slices and remove the skin from them in this way.
Finely chop the tomatoes.
Let's grate the cheese.
Finely chop the parsley.
Take three beaten eggs.
To the beaten eggs add onions, feta cheese, parsley and tomatoes only without juice, just the pulp.
All this was mixed well and peppered.

We took out our potatoes and put them in a suitable form.
Stuffed with minced meat, doused vegetable oil and put it in a preheated oven until the potatoes were ready. Then they took them out and now poured the remaining juice from the tomatoes, you can add more juice separately.

Placed back in the oven for a couple of minutes.
They made a sauce for it, made from butter, flour and milk.
Added lemon juice, a little herbs and zest to it.

Zucchini in Romanian style
Required Products:
small zucchini - 4 pcs.
tomatoes - 4 pcs.
feta cheese - 100 g
vegetable oil - 60 g

wheat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
Cooking method:

Cut the zucchini into slices, add salt, roll in flour, and fry in vegetable oil.

Place in layers in a greased saucepan, alternating zucchini with thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and pieces of cheese.

Pour melted butter over everything and bake in the oven.

Eggplants, stuffed with cheese

Required Products:
eggplants - 8 pcs.
tomatoes - 8 pcs.
feta cheese - 400 g
olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
garlic - 4 cloves
dill greens
Cooking method:

Make several longitudinal cuts on the eggplants, sprinkle them with salt and leave until the juice releases.

Cut tomatoes and cheese into thin slices. Finely chop the garlic.

Wash the cuts on the eggplants, dry them with a napkin, then insert into them, alternating, slices of cheese and tomatoes.

Grease each eggplant with oil mixed with garlic and wrap in foil. Bake for 40-50 minutes in the oven.

When serving, remove the foil, place the eggplants on a plate, garnish with herbs and lemon slices.

Asparagus with feta cheese
asparagus - 300 gr.
milk - 0.5 cups
feta cheese - 100 gr.
salt - to taste
black pepper - to taste
dill - to taste

Boil the asparagus in salted water and cut into pieces 2-3 cm long. Place the asparagus in a frying pan. Pepper. Add chopped dill.
Combine milk and grated cheese. Mix. Pour the resulting mixture into the pan with the asparagus.
Bake in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Appetizer "Mushroom"
champignons - 250 gr.
feta cheese - 100 gr.
tarragon - 55 gr.
shallots - 45 gr.
vegetable oil - 50 ml.
for the sauce:
white wine - 45 ml.
cream 33% - 150 ml.

Fry the champignons in a frying pan with hot oil until half cooked.
Chop the tarragon and shallots. Cut the cheese into cubes.
Prepare the sauce. Boil the wine. Add cream. Mix. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat.
Combine mushrooms, onions, tarragon and cheese. Pour over the sauce. Place into cocotte bowls.
Bake for 10-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Noodles with ham and feta cheese

noodles - 300 gr.
ham - 130 gr.
butter - 3 tbsp. l.
feta cheese - 100 gr.
black pepper - to taste
nutmeg - to taste

Boil the noodles in boiling salted water. Drain.
Cut the ham into cubes and simmer in butter. Add chopped cheese and nutmeg. Pepper. Mix. Combine the resulting mixture with hot noodles. Mix.

Pork with cheese and apples
pork - 1 kg.
apple - 2-3 pcs.
feta cheese - 200-300 gr.
vegetable oil
salt - to taste
black pepper - to taste

Take pork ribs. Wash. Cut into portions. Wash. Beat it off a little. Add salt. Pepper. Fry on both sides until half cooked in a frying pan with hot oil.
Wash the apples. Cut into rings. Remove the core with seeds. Cut the cheese into cubes.
Place on a greased baking sheet:
1st layer - pork;
2nd layer - apple;
3rd layer - mayonnaise;
4th layer - cheese.
Cover the baking sheet with foil. Bake in a preheated oven until half cooked. Take out the baking sheet. Remove the foil. Bake until fully cooked.

Meatballs "Vegetable"

eggplant - 100 gr.
zucchini - 80 gr.
onion - 50 gr.
feta cheese - 20 gr.
flour - 5 gr.
egg - 1 pc.
ground black pepper - to taste
salt - to taste

Wash the eggplants, cut off the peel, boil in salted water, cool and chop finely. Finely chop the zucchini. Grate the onion on a coarse grater. Grind the cheese.
Combine zucchini, eggplant, onion, cheese and egg. Add salt. Pepper. Mix. Form the resulting mixture into balls the size of walnut. Breaded in flour. Fry in plenty of hot olive oil.

Champignons with cheese
champignons - 500 gr.
fat - 50 gr.
feta cheese - 250 gr.
egg - 2 pcs.
black pepper - to taste
salt - to taste
capers - 10 gr.

Wash the champignons, chop and place in a frying pan with hot fat. Pepper. Add salt. Add crushed capers. Simmer until the mushrooms become soft. Add chopped cheese and beaten eggs. Mix. Fry for 3-5 minutes.

Tabbouleh with cheese and oranges
250 g bulgur cereal
450g ripe but firm tomatoes, cut into small cubes
1 red onion, chopped
50g black olives, pitted, cut in half (optional)
1 green or red chili, seeds removed and diced (optional)
4 tbsp. l. chopped fresh herbs (mint, basil and/or coriander)
1 clove garlic, minced
0.5 tsp. powdered sugar
2 tbsp. l. cold pressed olive oil
2 oranges
200 g cheese, chopped
25 g chopped toasted almonds

For decoration - 200 g of lettuce, chard and baby spinach


1. Place the bulgur in a bowl, pour boiling water over it and mix well. Let stand for 20-30 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, in a large serving bowl, combine tomatoes, onions, olives, chillies (optional), herbs, garlic and powdered sugar, add olive oil.

3. Using a special device, remove the zest from the orange into thin strips and place in vegetable mixture. Cut the top and bottom off both oranges, remove all peel and white pulp, cut in half and slice the flesh, removing any seeds or membranes. Add the oranges to the vegetable mixture along with any juice remaining on the cutting board.

4. Place the bulgur in a sieve, squeeze out excess water and place in a bowl with vegetables and oranges. Cool, cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

5. Right before serving, add feta cheese and almonds to the salad. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with lettuce leaves.

Chicken breasts stuffed with cheese


4 chicken fillets
120 g cheese
1 tsp dried oregano
salt and pepper to taste
120 ml chicken broth
juice of half a lemon
2 tbsp. butter (about 50 g)

Finely chop the cheese and mix with oregano.
Using a sharp knife, we make a pocket like this in each fillet.
Fill it with chopped cheese.
Blot the outside with paper towels, salt and pepper to taste. Pinch with toothpicks and fry over medium heat until golden brown, 6-7 minutes on each side.
Cover the frying pan with a lid, turn the heat down and fry the breasts until they become matte through and through, and the juice flowing from the puncture with a knife in the thickest place is transparent.
Transfer the breasts to a plate and keep warm. Pour the broth into the pan where the chicken was fried and stir until the brown lumps remaining after frying dissolve.
Add lemon juice and oil and cook the sauce over high heat for about 2 minutes - during this time it should reduce and thicken slightly.
When serving, pour the sauce over the breasts. You can use pasta or rice as a side dish.

Watermelon cubes with feta cheese, walnuts and capers.
- 1 watermelon
- 150 g feta cheese
- 30 grams of chopped hazelnuts
- black pepper
- a few capers (optional)

Cut the watermelon into cubes with a side of 5 cm, cut a hole in the center with a special Parisien spoon or a regular teaspoon. Chill well in the refrigerator.
Finely chop the cheese, add walnuts, pepper, add capers. Fill the cubes with cheese and serve immediately.


1 glass of water,
60 g butter,
6 tablespoons wheat flour,
4 eggs,
50 g grated cheese,
salt and pepper to taste,
1 cup thick milk sauce

Add butter and salt to the water and bring to a boil. Then pour in wheat flour and stir until the dough begins to separate from the pan. After this, remove from the heat, stir for some more time and, when the dough has cooled, pour the eggs into it one by one.
Add grated cheese (about 30 g) and a little pepper to the dough. Take the prepared dough little by little with a spoon, drop it into a pan of boiling salted water and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.
The finished dumplings are placed in a pan with a small amount of butter, poured with thick milk sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese and put in the oven for 30 minutes, after which they are served.

Ingredients of liquid sauce: 2 cups milk,
1 tablespoon wheat flour,
1 tablespoon butter,
salt to taste.
Ingredients of medium thick sauce: 2 cups milk,
2 tablespoons wheat flour,
2 tablespoons butter,
salt to taste.
Ingredients of thick sauce: 2 cups milk,
2 1/2 tablespoons flour
2 1/2 tablespoons butter,
salt to taste.

You can prepare liquid, medium-thick and thick milk sauces, which differ only in composition, the same method
their preparations are the same.
Fry wheat flour in butter, then, stirring continuously, dilute it with hot milk; add salt to taste and boil for 5-7 minutes.
Liquid sauce is served with hot vegetable and cereal dishes.
A medium-thick sauce is used when baking vegetables, meat and fish.
Croquettes and other products are stuffed with a thick sauce.

Lasagna with cheese and spinach
kg fresh spinach, 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, half a bunch of dill and basil, 300 ml cubed broth, half a glass of cream, 400 g sheep cheese, 2 eggs, 100 g grated mozzarella, lasagne plates, salt, pepper, OM.
Cut tomatoes and onions into small cubes. Chop the spinach and greens. Crumble the cheese.
Heat OM in a frying pan, add onion, lightly fry, add spinach and simmer for min. 5, stirring. Pour in the broth, add the tomatoes and simmer for another 5 minutes. Salt, pepper, add herbs and cool slightly.
Grease a baking dish with OM and pour cream into the bottom.
Add 2/3 of the cheese and eggs to the vegetables and mix. Layer layers of lasagne and filling. Sprinkle the top layer with the remaining cheese and mozzarella. Bake for 30-40 minutes. at 200 deg.

Cupcake with cheese
wheat flour - 2/3 cup, butter - 2/3 cup, kefir - 1 cup, soda - 1 teaspoon, crumbled cheese - 150 g, egg - 4 pcs.


Pour the eggs into the softened butter and mash. Add the cheese and, gradually adding flour and kefir, knead the dough. Add baking soda and stir.

Place the dough in a greased pan and bake in the oven.

Quiche with cheese and boiled pork
You will need:
450 grams plain puff pastry
250 grams boiled pork
300 grams of medium salted cheese
5 eggs
250 grams of milk
Bunch of green onions
A teaspoon of dried basil (it’s better to use fresh, of course, but I didn’t have any)
2-3 cloves of garlic

It takes at most 10 minutes to prepare, and another 40 minutes to bake.

Cut boiled pork and cheese into strips.
Slice green onions.
Place chopped cheese, boiled pork, and onions in a bowl. Add basil.
Stir gently.
Roll out the dough into a thin layer.
Cut to the size of the mold, with some extra on the sides.
Distribute the dough layer over the bottom and sides of the pan.
Pass the garlic through a press.
Rub the resulting slurry over the bottom of your pie.
Place the filling on top and distribute it evenly.
Combine 5 eggs and a glass of milk.
Stir with a whisk, without whisking, until smooth. No need to add salt. No salt is used in this recipe, as the cheese is quite salty.
Pour the egg (omelet) mixture over the filling. It should only cover half of the pie. The filling will acquire the rest of its “height” during the baking process.

Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. Bake for exactly 40 minutes. Do not open the oven while baking. At least the first 30 minutes.
Ready pie let cool a little. Then it will be easier to cut it into pieces.

Breaded cheese

Products for breaded cheese: 4 tablespoons of flour, 30 g of water, 2 eggs, 200 g of vegetable oil, 400 g of cheese, 5 g of sugar, a little baking soda, salt to taste.

To prepare breaded cheese, add soda dissolved in vinegar and two yolks to the flour. Beat the cheese mixture well with a whisk, add salt and sugar. Separately, beat the egg whites and combine with the prepared cheese mixture. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Cut the cheese into cubes, roll in the mixture and fry on all sides until golden brown. Try to carefully turn the pieces of cheese so as not to damage the crust, otherwise the cheese may leak out. Serve the dish (breaded cheese) warm, with a garnish of fried parsley sprigs.

Brynza in Shopski style
Required Products:
feta cheese - 400 g
tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
sweet pepper- 2 pcs.
eggs - 4 pcs.
butter - 40 g
ground black pepper
Cooking method:

Cut the cheese into slices and place in greased molds. Place sliced ​​tomatoes, sweet pepper rings and pieces of butter on top. Bake for 5-6 minutes at 200°C.

After this, add one egg at a time, add salt and pepper, put it back in the oven and bake until the whites have curled.

Serve in ramekins, garnished with tomato slices and herbs.

Greek Fried Potatoes
Required Products:
potatoes - 8-10 tubers
ghee - 4 tbsp. spoons
sweet pepper - 300 g
chopped onion - 4 tbsp. spoons
feta cheese - 200 g
garlic - 2 cloves
salt, ground black pepper to taste
chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons
Cooking method:

Cut the potatoes into slices. Fry in oil until golden brown.

Pepper, remove seeds, cut into strips.

Sauté the onion in oil, add pepper and chopped garlic. Add potatoes, cheese, parsley, salt, pepper. Fry for another 5 minutes.

When serving, decorate with onion rings, sweet peppers, and herbs.

Snack “Emerald Cubes”
Required Products:
feta cheese - 400 g
dill greens - 1 bunch
Cooking method:

Cut the cheese into cubes with a side of 1.5-2 cm. Finely chop the dill.

Bread the cheese cubes in dill and place on a plate.

Muffins with spinach and feta cheese
Required Products:
spinach - 185 g, washed and peeled
flour - 310 g
baking powder for dough - 3 tbsp. spoons
ground red pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
feta cheese - 125 g, crumbled
green onions - 4 feathers, finely chopped
dill greens - 1 tbsp. spoon
kefir - 250 ml
egg - 1 pc.
olive oil - 80 ml
feta cheese - 60 g, crumbled
Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Grease a muffin tin with butter and place in the freezer for a while. Meanwhile, boil the spinach in a small amount of boiling water, drain the water, squeeze the spinach in a sieve, pressing on it with a spoon. Finely chop the squeezed leaves.
Mix flour, baking powder, ground pepper in a bowl, add feta cheese, onion and dill. Gradually add kefir, olive oil, egg and spinach, mix everything carefully.
Distribute the dough among the molds, pour the remaining cheese on top and bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Allow the muffins to cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then remove and eat….

Palanchinki with potatoes and cheese

Required Products:
potatoes - 600 g
feta cheese - 100 g
cottage cheese - 100 g
sour cream - 40 g
cheese - 80 g
egg - 1 pc.
butter - 40 g
parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons
For pancakes:
milk - 100 g
sparkling water - 50 g
wheat flour - 60 g
egg - 1 pc.
vegetable oil and butter - 20 g each
salt to taste
Cooking method:

Bake pancakes from these ingredients and grease them with butter.

Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, grate on a fine grater and mix with grated cheese and cottage cheese. Add chopped herbs, egg, melted butter, salt, mix well.

Place the prepared filling on the pancakes and wrap them in rolls. Place the pancakes in a greased pan, pour in whipped sour cream, sprinkle with finely grated cheese and bake at 230 C.


Required Products:
pasta small (orzo, etc.) - 100 g
tomato - 1 pc.
onion - 1 head
pitted olives - 12 pcs.
eggs - 8 pcs.
feta cheese - 60 g
butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
chopped basil greens - 2 tbsp. spoons
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
dried mint greens - 1/4 teaspoon
ground black pepper, salt to taste
Cooking method:

Scald the tomato, remove the skin, cut in half, remove the seeds and chop finely.

Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil, add tomato, basil and mint, fry for 2 minutes. Add pasta and chopped olives, stir and heat for another 1 minute.

Beat eggs with salt and pepper, combine with pasta and vegetable mixture.

Melt the butter, place the resulting mass on it, sprinkle crumbled cheese on top and fry over low heat until thickened.

Serve, cut into portions, with tomato sauce or hot ketchup.

Among the stunning abundance of cheese products that fill the shelves of supermarkets and farm shops, young pickled cheeses occupy a separate niche. Adyghe and feta, mozzarella, suluguni and, of course, sharply salty feta cheese, the spicy taste of which wonderfully complements any assorted vegetables. It is used not only in traditional salads, but also for preparing all kinds of hot dishes.

In Greek, Bulgarian, Turkish and Romanian cuisines you can find a lot of tempting recipes with cheese: aromatic snacks and stuffed vegetables, juicy pies, flatbreads and baked meat. These tasty and easy-to-prepare dishes will add variety to your daily diet and become a bright accent on your day. festive table.

Peppers stuffed with cheese

This traditional Bulgarian appetizer is called chushka burek, which actually means stuffed pepper. There are many variations on this theme, but we will try to get closer to the authentic recipe.

To prepare it we will need:

  • 5-6 pieces of red and fleshy bell pepper
  • feta cheese 300 gr.
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tomato
  • greens (dill, parsley)
  • breadcrumbs
  • a little flour for dredging the peppers
  • vegetable oil for frying

To begin, place whole peppers in the oven for a quarter of an hour. After heat treatment, they need to be transferred to a bag or bowl and covered with a lid. Our peppercorns will reach condition, so it will be more convenient and easier to clean them.

Let's start with the filling. We peel and chop the garlic, scald the tomato and remove the skin from it, chop it into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Mash the cheese with a fork and mix with 1 egg, garlic, tomato and chopped herbs. As you understand, there is no need to salt the filling; the salted cheese will take care of it itself.

It’s best to make your own breadcrumbs. Dry a couple of slices of bread in the oven or toaster and grind with a blender. Before stuffing the pepper, it must be carefully cleaned of the stalks, entrails and skin. After baking, you need to handle it carefully so that the pulp does not spread in your hands. Small tears in the shell are not a problem, all defects will be corrected by thick breading.

Heat a frying pan with enough oil. Stuff the peppers and roll them in flour. Then dip into a bowl with a couple of beaten eggs and the finishing touch is breadcrumbs. Fry our chushki on both sides until crispy golden crust and place on a cellulose towel to remove excess fat.

This aromatic snack is eaten chilled. Goes great with herbs, olives and fresh pita bread with a glass of dry red wine.

Shopska salad

Another one of the traditional Bulgarian recipes with feta cheese. Light and nutritious vegetable salad– an ideal solution for a hearty lunch as one of the main courses, a late dinner or just for a snack.


  • tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • bell pepper 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber
  • black olives without pits 8 pcs.
  • red onion
  • feta cheese 100 gr.
  • olive oil to taste
  • lemon juice 1 tsp.
  • a pinch of ground black pepper
  • greens (parsley, dill)

We bake the peppers in the oven and let them rest in the bag. Then remove the stalk and remove the skin and seeds. Cut into thin slices. Chop the onions and vegetables, mix them in a bowl with chopped peppers and herbs. Add the olives cut into slices.

Salt, pepper and season with olive oil. Place grated cheese on top of the vegetables, decorate with herbs, olives and sprinkle the salad with a mixture of oil and lemon juice. You are welcome!

Cupcake with cheese and greens

Delicious aromatic bread with a pronounced cheese taste - great addition for first courses. It’s easy to prepare and disappears from the table even faster.


  • corn flour 150 gr.
  • 3 eggs
  • glass of curdled milk
  • 100 gr. melted margarine
  • salt 1.tsp.
  • baking powder 1 tsp.
  • feta cheese 150 gr.
  • a bunch of dill or wild garlic
  • bread crumbs

Mix cornmeal with baking powder and salt. Add eggs beaten with a mixer, melted margarine, yogurt and knead.

Combine the mashed cheese with a fork along with the chopped herbs into the dough. Rub the baking dish with oil and powder breadcrumbs, put the dough in it and put it in the oven. Cook over medium heat (no higher than 180 degrees) for 30-40 minutes.

Lavash rolls with cheese

A great theme for breakfast and a quick snack at work. To prepare this easy and fragrant baked goods we need:

Product composition:

  • thin lavash (Armenian)
  • feta cheese 200 gr.
  • cottage cheese 150 gr.
  • 2 eggs
  • bunch of dill
  • clove of garlic
  • butter 50 gr.

Let's prepare the filling. Mash the cottage cheese with feta cheese until smooth, add eggs, chopped herbs and garlic. Unroll the sheet of pita bread on the table and spread the filling in an even layer over its entire surface.

Roll the pita bread into a roll and cut into portions of 4-5 cm. Line a mold with high sides with parchment greased with butter. We place our rolls tightly to each other with the cut points on the bottom of the mold. Place a small slice of butter on top of each piece. Place in the oven for half an hour (t180oC), once the top layer has browned, you can remove the dish.

Flatbread with cheese made from wholemeal flour

Simple and hearty country food is the best alternative to store-bought bread. Flatbreads, somewhat reminiscent of the famous ones, the preparation of which takes a minimum of time.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour coarse 1.5 cups
  • 250 ml curdled milk
  • salt, soda ½ tsp.
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • 50 gr. butter

Filling composition:

  • feta cheese 200 gr.
  • Adyghe cheese 100 gr.
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • dill to taste

Let's do the test. Melt the butter and mix it with curdled milk, salt, sugar and soda. After bubbles appear, gradually add flour and knead with your hands until the mixture has a smooth, soft consistency. Wrap in cling film and let the dough rest in a warm place.

At this time, we begin preparing the filling. Grate the Adyghe cheese and mix it with chopped feta cheese, softened butter, egg and dill.

We take out the dough and divide it into portions. We form them into flat cakes, in the center of which we place cheese filling. We pinch the edges at the top and roll out with a rolling pin without strong pressure.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry our cheese scones until a delicious crust forms. To prevent them from swelling when frying, you can make a couple of punctures with a fork.

Grease the surface of each flatbread with butter and invite everyone to the table.

Crispy sticks stuffed with cheese

An ideal way out when guests are on the doorstep and time is short. Unless you run to the nearest supermarket to buy cheese, greens and ready dough.

To prepare this wonderful snack, in addition to pickled cheese, you need phyllo dough. This is ideal, but in the absence of it, you can get by with Armenian lavash.

To fill our crispy sticks, take:

  • half a kilo of cheese
  • mixture of dill and parsley
  • 2 small tomatoes
  • clove of garlic for flavor

For shell:

  • dough filo 300 g or 2 sheets of thin pita bread

Mix the ingredients. Mash the cheese with egg and herbs, add finely chopped tomatoes to it. The skin of which must first be removed.

Cut the dough (lavash) into large triangles. Closer to the wide edge, spread the filling along it, tuck the edges and roll into a tube.

In a heated frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry the preparations until golden brown. Place on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Bon appetit!

Greek meat pie with cheese

To prepare this delicious dish, which is a great addition to any holiday feast, you need very little time. However, as well as the products themselves.


  • ready-made puff pastry 1 kg
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • minced meat(pork/beef) 0.5 kg-
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • bunch of green onions
  • half a bunch of dill and parsley
  • feta cheese 300 gr.
  • hard cheese 200 gr.
  • eggs 2 pcs.

Fry the minced meat in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Separately, fry finely chopped onions. Mix it with the prepared minced meat, pepper, add eggs, chopped herbs, grated cheese and feta cheese.

Divide the layers of puff pastry in half and roll out with a rolling pin to the desired size. Place the bottom half on a baking sheet, greased and sprinkled with flour, and place the filling on top of it. Cover the top with another sheet of dough and pinch the edges.

We pierce the surface in several places with a fork and send the pie to the oven. After half an hour at a temperature of 180 oC, our fragrant masterpiece can be removed and served.

Cook with pleasure, make your family happy original dishes and be healthy!

Brynza is a soft, pickled cheese designed for those who love salty foods. Delicious cheese can be a separate snack (especially in combination with vegetables). In addition, you can cook many dishes with cheese.

There are many dishes that can be prepared with feta cheese - recipes from Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Turkish cuisine. In this article we offer you 7 ideas on what you can cook with this delicious cheese.

The first thing you should prepare if you like dishes with cheese is the Bulgarian dish chushka burek - roasted peppers with breaded cheese. You will need simple ingredients: bell pepper, tomatoes, cheese, eggs, flour, breading and oil for frying. You can serve this dish with sour cream, yogurt or yogurt.

Cigar börek is a Turkish dish that is quite simple to prepare. For this you will need feta cheese, ready-made phyllo dough, an egg, herbs and vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe for tubes with cheese - in the article What to cook with cheese - delicious dishes of Transcarpathian, Slovak and Turkish cuisine

3. Deruny with cheese - it doesn’t get any tastier

It's hard to find a person who wouldn't love potato pancakes with sour cream. Potato pancakes can be prepared in different ways: with fermented milk cheese, with Adyghe cheese, with feta cheese and herbs. Pancakes with cheese are no more difficult to prepare than pancakes with ordinary fermented milk cheese - that is, any housewife (or owner) can do it.

4. Dumplings with cheese - for every taste

If you like this delicious salty cheese, then why not make dumplings with it? As an alternative to the usual dumplings with potatoes or dumplings with cheese. Here are four filling options for dumplings with cheese. The first, simplest one is cheese, egg and chopped herbs. The second is feta cheese, fried pieces of lard, yolk, greens. Third - mashed potatoes, cheese, greens. The fourth is feta cheese in combination with other types of cheese (for example, mozzarella and any hard cheese).

5. Pasta with cheese - delicious and nutritious

There are many recipes for salads with pasta, one of them is salad with pasta and cheese. A pack of pasta (whichever you prefer), cheese, pitted olives, sweet bell peppers, some green onions and olive oil for dressing - that's all you need to make this delicious salad. Bon appetit!

6. Pizza with cheese - simple and tasty

Pizza can be prepared with any filling: vegetables, fruits, different types cheese (primarily mozzarella and cheddar, but not only), meat products(salami, ham, chicken). You can also make pizza with cheese. For the filling, take a few tomatoes, some fried onions, diced cheese and some herbs (dill and green onions).

Deviled eggs - wonderful cold appetizer, which will come in handy on any holiday table. There are many recipes deviled eggs: with bacon and cheddar cheese, with cottage cheese and herbs, with sour cream and avocado, with Italian mozzarella, with processed cheese and garlic, as well as with feta cheese and herbs. To cook this delicious snack, you will need the ingredients: hard-boiled eggs, feta cheese, garlic, cucumber, parsley and a little olive oil.

What dishes do you cook with cheese?

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Brynza is a pickled cheese. It has no crust. Brynza can be made from goat, sheep and buffalo milk. It also happens that it is made from several types at the same time.


Bryndza is soaked in brine for twenty to sixty days. If you find weathered edges when purchasing, it is better to leave it on the counter. Such signs indicate that it has been sitting in the store for a long time and has already lost some of its beneficial properties.

How did it appear? Legend

One of the most famous types of pickled cheese is Serbian cheese.

According to legend, it appeared completely by accident, thanks to an Arab merchant. He transported milk in fat tails from one settlement to another. This is how he earned his living.

And one hot working day, the merchant did not manage to deliver the milk to its destination on time. As a result, the milk turned sour. The seller brought it home and forgot about it. And a few days later, when I remembered my fat tail, I found a piece of sour meat in it. dairy product. This was the first pickled cheese. Later they began to call it feta cheese.


Today, Serbian cheese is produced in a simple way. They take goat's or sheep's milk, sometimes they also use cow's milk, but this is done much less often. Specially grown bacteria are added to it. Under their influence, the milk begins to sour. After that, the resulting cheese is aged for another couple of weeks in a special salt brine.


A product such as feta cheese is especially popular in Balkan countries, in Ukraine, especially its western part, and among the Moldavian peoples. In these countries, such cheese is rather considered a highlight. And in Serbia, Serbian cheese is especially popular.

Festivals are held annually in Belgrade. They present a large selection of cheese. In recent years, such events have become increasingly popular in other countries. In the Carpathians, for example, they hold a festival of Hutsul cheese.

Choosing natural cheese

It is quite easy to distinguish a real cheese product from a cheese product. Natural cheese has a smooth texture. Serbian cheese has a small number of depressions of different shapes. The cheese product has many fibers and pimples of the same shape. And as we noted above, real Serbian cheese does not have a crust.

Its taste depends on how many days it was kept in brine. The longer it sits, the spicier and saltier it will be. For those who like mild food, it is better to take slightly aged cheese.

Serbian cheese. Calorie content

Although this cheese is not a very high-calorie product, it is also undesirable to eat it in large quantities. There are 208 kcal per hundred grams.


For those who are interested in Serbian cheese, it will be useful to know its composition. The following ingredients are usually indicated on the package: milk, salt, starter culture and rennet extract.

According to its properties, feta cheese is considered very useful product. It preserves all the substances found in milk. Cheese cheese contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium. It also contains substances such as fluorine and phosphorus. In addition, feta cheese is rich in the content of almost all B vitamins. There are also vitamins A, E, D, which are simply necessary for the normal functioning of our body.

If previously feta cheese was consumed exclusively as a snack, today it is used in all areas of cooking - in salads, casseroles. Bryndza can be stewed with fish, meat, and seafood. Today, it can serve as a separate dish on your table, which is baked in the oven.

Greek salad

Now we’ll tell you which dishes Serbian cheese is added to. We'll look at different recipes below.

The most common dish made from this type of cheese, which everyone probably knows, is Greek salad. Its recipe is quite simple.

You need to take four fresh tomatoes, one fresh cucumber and cut into large cubes. Add shallots cut into half rings. Also add one coarsely chopped bell pepper. It's best if it's Bulgarian. For such a portion you can take 250 grams of cheese. It is cut into large cubes, approximately the same size as a cucumber. If desired, you can add pitted olives.

They are thrown whole into the salad. Greens are placed at your discretion. But according to original recipe Marjoram is usually added to the salad. Season the dish with one tablespoon of lemon juice and three tablespoons of olive oil.

Baked cheese

Let's look at another recipe. Very delicious dish- feta cheese baked with tomatoes. For this dish, we take half a kilogram of feta cheese, two tomatoes, olives, olive oil and select dried herbs to taste.

Cut the cheese into square pieces no more than 2 centimeters thick. Cut the tomato into rings. Before doing this, you can remove the skin from it. Although you don’t have to touch the skin (this is optional).

For each serving, cut off a separate sheet of foil, which we grease with olive oil. First we spread the cheese on it. Then we put the tomato on top and sprinkle it with herbs.

The foil must be wrapped so that it looks like an envelope. The oven needs to be preheated to two hundred degrees. We send our products into it for fifteen minutes.

Then remove from the oven ready dish. Then we put it out of foil on a plate. Serve with olives. The snack will be salty. Therefore, it is advisable to serve beer with it.

Cheese soup

We are all accustomed to the fact that feta cheese is served either in salads or as an appetizer, but, as noted in our article earlier, it can be served in completely different dishes. Now let's look at the recipe simple soup from feta cheese.

So, for the dish we need two chicken legs, two potatoes, 250 grams of feta cheese, one bunch of parsley and one bunch of green onions. The soup can be prepared either on the stove or in a slow cooker. Let's consider the second method. We clean the legs from skin and fat. Then we cut them and put them in the slow cooker. For legs, the “Baking” mode is suitable. We turn it on and start preparing the vegetables. You can add a little trimmed chicken fat to the bottom of the multicooker for frying meat. The legs should be slightly fried until golden brown. Now put the diced potatoes into the slow cooker. The cheese must be chopped into the same pieces as potatoes. We send the cheese along with chopped herbs to stew after the potatoes. At the end, you can add half a teaspoon of Bulgarian seasoning - fenugreek. Remember that soup should never be salted. Since feta cheese is a salty product. After we have put all the ingredients for the soup into the multicooker, pour water on top to the one and a half liter mark. Now you need to switch the multicooker to the “Steam” mode. Bring the soup to a boil. After fifteen minutes of boiling, the multicooker must be switched to another mode. Now you should select “Stew” and leave for one hour. The soup can be served with fried croutons in garlic. The chicken from the dish should be placed on a separate plate. It should be served with chopped fresh tomato. The soup tastes best when cooked in a cast iron pot.


And of course, we must not forget about classic dish from feta cheese - mamaliga.

To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of corn grits, water and 300 milliliters of milk. You will also need 150 grams of cheese, salt and ground pepper (to taste).

Water and milk need to be poured into a cauldron and brought to a boil. After this, the heat should be reduced to medium. In this case, you should stir the liquid until a funnel appears. Then you can start pouring in a thin stream corn grits. At the same time, without ceasing to stir. This should be done for about half an hour so that lumps do not form. Then you need to turn off the burner. Then you should put a little butter in the porridge and cover the cauldron with a towel to let it brew.

Now grease the baking tray with oil. Then put half of the porridge on it. Then you need to put the grated cheese on it as a second layer, and cover it with the remaining porridge on top. Then you should add a few pieces of butter. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Then place the baking sheet in it for about half an hour. Then take out the hominy and cover it with a towel again. You can serve the dish by cutting it into rings or squares. You can fry onions with mushrooms or meat with mamalyga.

Serbian cheese: reviews

If we talk about natural homemade cheese, then, perhaps, there are no people who would remain indifferent to it. Serbian Bryndza cheese is liked by amateurs spicy dishes, and those who give their preference to delicate dishes. Everyone who has tried it unanimously claims that, in addition to the fact that this product is very tasty, it is also very healthy.

Currently, the food industry around the world produces a great variety of cheeses. One of the most useful, which is easily and completely absorbed by the human body, is feta cheese. When preparing this cheese, high temperatures are not used, so it retains all the beneficial substances that are present in fresh cottage cheese and milk.

Cheese cheese is especially rich in vitamins A, B and E, and contains essential mineral salts and microelements. In addition, this type of cheese contains a large amount of easy-to-digest protein, and this is an important factor for lovers of vegetarian cuisine.

Well, for those who want to lose weight, this cheese will be useful, because you can cook a lot of things with it and, as a rule, all dishes with feta cheese are dietary. This type of cheese contains few calories, but includes a complete mineral and vitamin composition. Therefore, it will help you quickly get rid of extra pounds without compromising your health. This entire set also contains all the feta cheese dishes, the recipes of which I want to invite you to prepare today.

Dishes with feta cheese

Cheese appetizer with garlic

To prepare this very simple dish, we will need: a piece of cheese, about 150-200 g. 3-4 cloves of garlic, fresh dill, parsley, if desired, you can add ground pepper.

How to cook:

Cut the cheese into small cubes and place in a salad bowl. Pass the garlic through a press, add pepper, mix everything with cheese. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

Diet salad with tomatoes

For preparation you need the following products: 4 ripe, medium-sized tomatoes, 150-200 g of feta cheese, fresh dill and basil, low-fat sour cream to taste.

How to cook:

Cut the cheese and tomatoes into equal small pieces, place in a salad bowl, and stir. Sprinkle with sour cream and serve.

Stuffed bell peppers

For cooking you will need the following products: small fresh peppers, 6 pcs. in total, 400 g cheese, 2-3 tbsp. l. butter, 4 cloves of garlic, fresh finely chopped dill, parsley, green onions.

How to cook:

Preparing the filling for stuffing: Mash the cheese well with a fork until smooth. Add softened butter, pressed garlic, and fresh herbs. Mix everything thoroughly.

Now wash the peppers and dry them with a towel. Cut off the lower parts (where the tail was), remove the seeds.

Fill each fruit with cheese mixture, and then put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Now take out the stuffed fruits and cut each into thin rings. Place them on a platter and serve immediately.

Cabbage salad with cheese and chicken

When preparing delicious dietary dishes from feta cheese, you cannot ignore this light, healthy salad. To prepare it you will need: half a fork Chinese cabbage(300 g), a small piece of cheese soaked in milk, 1 small fresh cucumber, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, it is better to take the breast. For dressing you will need: half a glass of unsweetened homemade yogurt and a little low-fat sour cream.

How to cook:

Wash the vegetables. Cut the cheese and chicken into equal cubes and place in a salad bowl. Cut the cabbage leaves and cucumber into small strips and place there. Mix everything. Separately mix sour cream with yogurt, beat with a blender. Pour the resulting mixture over the salad and stir.

Tomatoes with cheese and olives, baked in foil

Even when we lose weight, we still want to eat tasty food. You can prepare very tasty dietary dishes from feta cheese, including this one. hot snack. To prepare, we will need the following ingredients: half a kilo of feta cheese, 4 ripe tomatoes, a little olive oil, a jar of pitted olives, fresh basil, dill, green onions. We also need a roll of food foil.

How to cook:

Cut even squares of 20 cm in size from foil, grease each with vegetable oil. Now cut the cheese into neither thick nor thin slices, cut the tomatoes too, only into slices. Place a slice of cheese on a square of foil, a slice of tomato on top, sprinkle with herbs. Wrap the square and place it on a baking sheet. Do the same with the remaining squares. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Then cool a little, unwrap the foil. Place the baked pieces on a plate and garnish each portion with an olive.

Milk cheese soup

We will need: 1 liter of fresh skim milk, 300 g of cheese, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 raw egg, a little greenery.

How to cook:

Cut the cheese into small pieces. Melt half the butter in a saucepan with thick walls, add flour, fry until golden. Now pour in the milk, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Boil everything, cook for 2-3 minutes. Beat the egg with a blender and pour into the soup. Then add the cheese and stir. As soon as it boils, remove from the stove immediately. Pour the soup into portions, sprinkle with herbs. So, losing weight with cheese is tasty and healthy!